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This is for People who dont know the GAMES very well ? LOL -LeBron23
This game is usually marked as FF but sometimes Falling Furni. The aim of the game is to sit on the chair put down by the owner. The owner will put down chairs and you have to sit on them but the person at the end of a round not sitting on a chair loses. Sometimes theres a prize for this game. This game usually has around 7-14 players. MOST PPL SCAM ON THIS GAME BEWARE !

This game is sometimes marked as DHMW but most of the time don't hit my wall. In this game there are 6 chairs in a row. The owner has a dice next to him and if the owner rolls a 1, the person in the first seat will move up one and the same thing for any number rolled, but in most cases you're allowed to steal other people's chair, which you can do this by clicking on the chair once it has been moved, but you have to be quick! When someone's chair is at the other side of "the wall" they lose and the winner is the last person before the "wall."

This game is occasionally marked as CC or Cozzie Change. First everyone sits, then the owner will call out a theme like clowns and everyone will change/dress like a clown, once you are finished changing into your clown you will stand. When everyone is standing the owner will look at everyone's clown. He will then choose who he thinks has the best clowns and tell them to sit down. If you haven't been told to sit down by the end, you lose.

To be honest this is my favorite game. In this game there are LOTS of teleports you have to keep going through while avoiding "the killers." The killers usually wear masks or dress in all black. Their job is to find you and kill you. Usually they have to run up to you and write -kills- or -shoots- in order for you to be out, so if you see someone in a mask, RUN!

There are two guards and a lot of seats in the room. Your goal is to get to the ice cream maker by double clicking it to retrieve and ice cream and run back to where you started before the guards trap you. If you are trapped by the guards you lose.

There are many games at Fresh and more are thought of all the time, here are some that weren’t explained.

Prezzie trap is an easy game to learn but can be fairly difficult to win. It starts similar to Falling Furni, where lots of people stand in a closed off area and the host in another closed off area. How the game works is that the host will drop or move presents around to try and, “trap” people while they are running around. The host will move around presents until one person is finally trapped, once this happens (depending on the host) they will be either kicked, or given the regular game options (p2s, rev, ect.) In this game, sometimes there are prizes, rights, or no prize at all.

Kick (or Kik) the Ugly is a game that some people love and others do not. There are two rows of chairs on opposite sides that usually face each other, girls on one side, boys on another, and they both take turns kicking the ugliest one at a time until there is one of each left. The host of the game will either say Girls to Boys (G to B/ G2B) or Boys to Girls (B to G/ B2G) and when this happens (let’s just say the host says G2B) the girls will get up and stand in front of the boy that they find ugliest. Whichever boy has the most girls gets kicked from the room, the girls sit and the boys do the same. This process repeats until there is a girl and boy left. These two are the winners, sometimes they receive room rights, but in most cases they just get the privilege to sit in a winners area.

The Fridge Game is mainly a game of luck. Even though all rooms vary all you really need is some chairs and a fridge. Everyone will sit in rows while the host calls everyone’s name in order. When your name is called, you must go up to the refrigerator double click it and receive a carrot, a can of pop, or an ice cream. A carrot means that you are out, and you have the choice of kik or the regular game options (p2s, rev, ect.), a can of pop means that you are safe, and you can sit back down, and an ice cream means that you get to, “Pick to kik” (P2k) or choose someone to get kiked (the same as getting a carrot). The goal of the game is to stick around until you are the last person left, and being the last person left means that you win! My tip to winning this game is to be polite to everyone, because you really don’t know when someone’s gonna get an ice cream.

Defend your pod is a game that, I think, takes a lot of practice. In a room there will be two pods (type of chair) of each colour next to each other. A player in each, their goal is to sit in someone else’s seat and get back to their own before that happens to them. If someone does that to you, then you lose. This continues until there is just one team left.

Kick war games can go from small, two teams, to big, I’ve seen ten teams before. There are certain sections of a room closed off to a team of a certain colour. Everyone in a certain colour team (let’s say blue) has to dress in that colour (blue). Once all of the teams are full, teles in all of the sections will be opened and the game starts. The teles lead to a number of rooms with free rights and the goal of each team is to kick players of the other team, as well as get to the other teams, “base” or the room where the original tele led to. So if, for example, there are teams red and blue and a person from the red teams makes it to blue’s base, and through the original tele, then red team wins.

In this game you have to be the fastest "Fresher"! There isn't a limit of players. Usually you take place in a row of chairs. The hoster says 'GO' you have to run as fast as you can. When you reach the wall or a line you have to go back to your seat again. The last one to sit is out. If there is a tie you have to redo the round. The game will continue in this pattern until only one, so the winner of the game, is left.
Another type of the Race Game is Go Karts: Basically the rules are the same. The difference is that you go into teleporters and you run on a racetrack until you get back to the starting room. There are many laps. It depends on the length of the racetrack. You can also play in teams of two. Of course the winner is the fastest again.